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An early gasifier

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This was an early experimental version of a gasifier. I first started off with paint-pot sized gasifiers to prove the idea and then moved on to this larger model (40 inches high). There is no water cooling jacket, the main tube is around 10 inches diameter and made from a piece of insulated stainless-steel chimney section. The gas it produced was immediately burned at the top and the heat was extracted using a standard cast-iron heat-exchanger taken from a domestic gas central-heating system. The flames are just visible between the tube and the heat collector shield. It was a superb gasifier but the tube eventually melted in a particularly hot firing! The success of this gasifier gave me the confidence to build a later water-cooled version. It should be noted that there is no tar or clogging of the fins of the heat-exchanger as the gas burns very cleanly indeed.

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