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Finished burner ready

Finished burner ready for test

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Here is the finished burner-head fitted onto the fuel-tube. The fan is a centrifugal type taken from a cooker (scrap-man again) and you can see the 3/8 inch copper (10mm) pipe that carries air to the fuel-tube. Actually, I found that 10mm was too small and later changed it to 22mm (7/8 inch). The main burner-head tube is 4 1/2 inches O/D (outside diameter) and very precisely drilled with air-holes. On this one I had left a length of about 4 inches of tube to go through the front panel and into the boiler. I later found that this was a mistake because the steel at the end melted! One inch (25mm) is more than enough because the burner-head can be secured to the boiler to prevent any possibility of the two coming apart whilst operating.

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