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Dynamics of hot water storage

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This was an earlier flow test to find out how easy it was to push water slowly through several different oil-drums at the same time. It was very 'ticklish' to get it right. I now think it is better to use electric valves to turn the water on and off to each container as required, that way the flow to each tank is predictable and not prone to slight changes that have a large overall effect. In my opinion, individual containers are better than on large tank because they are easier to install, there are no stresses to worry about on the side walls and the gaps in between can be filled with sand or concrete both of which also store heat.

From previous work I have now come to the view that the best heat-store is in an insulated shed above ground. Every renewable project should have one if possible as there are many times when there is just too much heat to use straight away. As so often with my projects, this is another one I want to return to again later on.

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