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ConspiraciesIs there an energy conspiracy?

Some people seem to believe that there is an energy conspiracy! Some say that there is such fear of destabilising the oil-based world economy that the development of other energy technology has been intentionally stifled. Others claim it is all about money and that the big oil companies maintain their position by adopting a policy of buying-up patents only to sit on them. The simple answer to this question is that we have no way of knowing if there was any conspiracy and why would anyone tell us if there was anyway, wouldn't that just defeat the object?

I couldn't care less about any alleged conspiracies or the dirty deals that may have been done because I don't know about them and couldn't do anything about it even if I did. My only interest is to be released from the shackles of the profit-based energy system and, if I can, help the minority of other people who think the same way. I am also concerned about the stability and reliability of large commercial energy systems in the future. A little bit of independence, in my opinion, is likely to be a very good thing!

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See more suggestions about possible conspiracies here: http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_john_f___071201_the_conspiracy_again.htm