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Burner, boiler and hopper

Burner installed with boiler and hopper

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Here is everything in the boiler-house ready to test. Note the hot-air gun for lighting the burner, I learnt very early on that it is quite risky to bring lighters and matches anywhere near this sort of equipment as it's all to easy to drop them in a place where they shouldn't be! There is a white panel on the boiler under the burner and this is the front of a small tray to allow ash to be emptied. Actually, it is more like dust or cigarette ash and a much smaller quantity than might be expected.

The sloping front of boiler is where the old oil-burner used to sit and it makes a handy viewing port to see how things are going when the system is running. I keep it covered with a piece of sheet steel and a stone to hold it it place, I sometimes wonder how big a blow-back would be required to launch the stone in my general direction!

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